Our Voice, Our Stories.

Join us with your story.

To Us Love You is a collection of stories about hope, trauma and overcoming personal obstacles. We begin with this site that is a forum for anyone seeking support, resources, and community, it is also space where you can post your poems, songs, quotes and anything that inspires you and has given you meaning.

Your struggle has a home here and so does your triumph.

Our next goal is to self-publish a book containing a selection of real-life stories that we hope will inspire others to express themselves and take another step on the journey toward personal growth.

We believe—and research shows—that writing about trauma helps us heal. Through stories, we construct meaning. We integrate the most challenging experiences of our lives into the larger narrative of who we are and why we’re here. We persist and, hopefully, we grow.

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Our Stories Connect Us

We created To Us … Love, You to provide a safe place for people to share their stories of hardship and transformation. Our submission guidelines are designed to stimulate your creative process while protecting your privacy.

The Journal


Need help getting started?

Writing prompts are a great way to get the words flowing. In this post we share a few of our favorites…

What happens to your story?

We will graciously read each story and email you letting you know we received it. We will choose which stories will go into the book and inform you if your story is picked.